economist_excess_deaths: 21637
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rowid | country | region | region_code | start_date | end_date | days | year | week | population | total_deaths | covid_deaths | expected_deaths | excess_deaths | non_covid_deaths | covid_deaths_per_100k | excess_deaths_per_100k | excess_deaths_pct_change | cadence | month | total_deaths_per_7_days | covid_deaths_per_7_days | expected_deaths_per_7_days | excess_deaths_per_7_days | non_covid_deaths_per_7_days | covid_deaths_per_100k_per_7_days | excess_deaths_per_100k_per_7_days | quarter |
21637 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 0 | 2020-04-01 | 2020-04-30 | 30 | 2020 | 3233530 | 3207 | 56 | 2971.30014036764 | 235.699859632364 | 3151 | 1.73185342334848 | 7.28924301405473 | 0.0793254967514647 | monthly | 4 | 748.3 | 13.0666666666667 | 693.303366085782 | 54.9966339142182 | 735.233333333333 | 0.404099132114645 | 1.7008233699461 |