economist_excess_deaths: 21657
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rowid | country | region | region_code | start_date | end_date | days | year | week | population | total_deaths | covid_deaths | expected_deaths | excess_deaths | non_covid_deaths | covid_deaths_per_100k | excess_deaths_per_100k | excess_deaths_pct_change | cadence | month | total_deaths_per_7_days | covid_deaths_per_7_days | expected_deaths_per_7_days | excess_deaths_per_7_days | non_covid_deaths_per_7_days | covid_deaths_per_100k_per_7_days | excess_deaths_per_100k_per_7_days | quarter |
21657 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 0 | 2021-12-01 | 2021-12-31 | 31 | 2021 | 3233530 | 4655 | 856 | 2992.94241561762 | 1662.05758438238 | 3799 | 26.472616614041 | 51.4007163806236 | 0.555325613920774 | monthly | 12 | 1051.12903225806 | 193.290322580645 | 675.825706752367 | 375.303325505698 | 857.838709677419 | 5.97768762252539 | 11.6066133762698 |